The Eavesdropper is the group’s lively newsletter. It comes out twice a year and provides a record of the group’s activities, articles of interest, as well as information on future events.
Articles for inclusion are welcomed and should be sent as an attachment to . All articles should be in PC format, preferably in the form of MS Word files. Please send illustrations separately on a disc or original photographs / slides for scanning to achieve optimum quality. A fee of £50.00 is paid at the editor's discretion for published articles.
Advertising of Historic building related services is welcomed in the Eavesdropper. The charge is £15.00 an issue for members, £30.00 for non-members. Click here to see sample advertisment indicating approved format. If you want to advertise, please send your copy to Barry & Sara Whymark:
Our 20th Anniversary Selection is available for sale. Please send your cheque made out to SHBG for £5.00 (which includes postage and packing) to
BARRY & SARA WHYMARK (Eavesdropper Editors)
Parsonage House, The Street, Preston St Mary CO10 9NQ