On application we sometimes provide grants to causes which increase
knowledge and appreciation of historic buildings, in research, publishing
research and dendrochronology surveys of special buildings.
Day schools are held where we investigate special themes or subjects in depth with a number of eminent speakers. Recent day schools have been about timber-framed buildings entitled ‘A Wealth Of Old Beams’, ‘The Medieval House: Living with Smoke’, and ‘Interior Decoration’.
Monthly Monday evening meetings, featuring guest lecturers are held
in the autumn and winter months at Haughley Park Barn. Refreshments are provided from 7.15 pm, the lecture starts at 7.45 pm.
We hold an annual social event with an eminent speaker at Christmas.
There is a charge made for evening meetings, £2.50 for members, and £4.00 for non-members. Prior booking is not required.
An extra charge is added to the Christmas Meeting to cover catering.
In this difficult year we are providing talks on Zoom, invitations are sent to all members who have provided an email address from the membership secretary